Sunday, February 2, 2020

2/3/20 - Day 19 - Intro to Taxes

  1. Go to EdPuzzle using THIS link, you will need this for the next few unites. 
  2. What do you think were the top 3 expenses the government paid for with our tax dollars in 2018?  Be ready to discuss!

  • Explain where income taxes are collected from and how they provide revenue for public expenses
  • Read a pay stub and describe the different deductions

  1. Tax Dollars- where do they go?
  2. If Paychecks Could Talk
    • What does FICA consist of?
    • What are some examples of government discretionary spending?
    • What are some examples of benefits we receive as a result of government spending?
  3. How to Read a Paystub

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