Thursday, February 27, 2020

2/28/20 - Day 37 - The Bean Game


Wrap-up the Budgeting for Income & Expenses Mint Simulation from yesterday

    • Don't forget about the reflections questions on the last page
  • Identify different considerations for budgeting
  • Analyze a specific budget to make decisions
    • The Bean Game
    • check-in
      • Show me your set-up budgets in EveryDollar!

    Wednesday, February 26, 2020

    2/27/20 - Day 36 - Mint Simulation: Budgeting for Income & Expenses


    Log in to your
     Mint account
    • THESE were the instructions you had to follow to set-up the account (it includes the suggested password).  Remember, you MUST be on the same device you were on when you set-up the account or you WILL NOT be able to access it and will have to set-up a new account.
    • Identify different considerations for budgeting
    • Analyze a specific budget to make recommendations
      • Budgeting for Income & Expenses: Mint Simulation
        • You will get a packet from the sub
          • Hold on to these packets until I am back tomorrow
        • Follow ALL instructions listed to work through analyzing Scott's budget

      Tuesday, February 25, 2020

      2/26/20 - Day 35 - Revising a Budget


      I am out again today,please take a moment to complete the items on the agenda below. 


      • Revise a budget based on different priorities

      Today's Agenda:
        • Revising a Budget (paper copy)
        • Revise Budget Busters

        Monday, February 24, 2020

        2/25/20 - Day 34 - Setting Up a Budget


        I am not here today. Please follow the agenda below.

        • Set up a budget given a specific financial situation so that the income equation balances
          • Setting Up A Budget (paper copy given in class)
            • Class discussion- why is it important to set up a budget?
          • Budget Busters - check yourself!

          Friday, February 21, 2020

          2/24/20 - Day 33 - Budgeting Equation


          What was the tax scenario that Victor talked about in the last episode of Life or Debt?

          • Label the different components of a budget
          • Describe the process of setting up a budget
            • Spending Plans 
              • The Budget Equation
            • Family budget categories
            • Budget Tools- Which one would YOU pick? Why?

            Thursday, February 20, 2020

            2/21/20 - Day 32 - Life or Debt


            Reminder, we are on an alternate schedule today 3A/3B, we leave 1st at 8:15am.

            • Evaluate financial decisions of others
            • Learn financial management techniques
            1. Life of Debt

            Wednesday, February 19, 2020

            2/20/20 - Day 31 - Budgeting


            Take out your Mint packet from yesterday. 

            • Explore online financial management tools

            1. Review of Mint - Scott
            2. Slides: Budgeting Intro 
            3. Expenses Sort
            4. Track Your Expenses

            Tuesday, February 18, 2020

            2/19/20 - Day 30 - Budgeting


            Take out your Mint packet from yesterday. 

            • Explore online financial management tools

            1. Review of Mint - Scott
            2. Slides: Budgeting Intro 
            3. Expenses Sort
            4. Track Your Expenses

            Monday, February 17, 2020

            2/18/20 - Day 29 - Intro to Budgeting


            THIS Step-by-Step guide to set up an account in Mint
            • In order to access this account again, it MUST be done on the same device, so DO NOT USE A LOANER

            • Explore online financial management tools

            1. Why budget? Who budgets?
            2. Introduction to Mint
              • Peer Grading

            Thursday, February 13, 2020

            2/14/20 - Day 28 - Tax Quiz


            Check out your review guide, what questions do you have?


            • Test your tax knowledge
            1. Tax Quiz - Schoology
            2. Missing work/quizzes

            Wednesday, February 12, 2020

            2/13/20 - Day 27 - Quiz Review


            Open your review guide.

            • Review the forms needed for taxes.
            1. Review of Tax Forms (who completes them and when?)
              • W-4
              • W-2
              • 1099-INT
              • 1040
            2. Finish Tax Unit Review Guide
            3. Tax Quiz - TOMORROW
            4. Earned Income Tax Credit - article

            Tuesday, February 11, 2020

            2/12/20 - Day 26 - Submitting Taxes


            I am not here today, please follow the agenda below!

            • Explain the items that affect a person's tax refund
            1. Finish Working with 1040s - Assignment
            2. Begin Tax Unit Review Guide
            3. Tax Quiz - FRIDAY

            Monday, February 10, 2020

            2/11/20 - Day 25 - Submitting Taxes


            Make a copy of this practice form

            • Identify the purpose of filling out a 1040 form
            • Explain the items that affect a person's tax refund
            1. Form W-2 Check for Understanding - Reading a W-2 Form
            2. Working with 1040s
            3. Tax Quiz - FRIDAY

            Sunday, February 9, 2020

            2/10/20 - Day 24 - Filing Taxes


            Browse through these websites- what is the shared purpose for these sites?


            • Identify items they need to prepare their tax return
            • Explain the different ways they can file their taxes
            • Understand the purpose of a W-2 form and how to use it to file their taxes
            • Explain how to make a tax payment if taxes are owed

            Today's Agenda:
            1. Ways to File Your Taxes
              • Pros & Cons
            2. Form W-2

            Thursday, February 6, 2020

            2/7/20 - Day 23 - Life or Debt


            Please check Home Access, complete any missing work. If you have not already taken the Smart Consumer quiz, please be ready to go.

            • Evaluate financial decisions of others
            • Learn financial management techniques

            1. Life of Debt

            Wednesday, February 5, 2020

            2/6/20 - Day 22 - Tax Forms


            Take a look at this graph and be ready to discuss what you see!


            • Identify important dates of the tax cycle
            • Understand the difference between common tax forms
            • Explain the purpose of a W-4 and how it impacts their paycheck
            • Analyze and understand the fine print of a sample W-4

            Today's Agenda:
            1. Tax Forms Research (paper copy)
            2. W-4 Form

            Tuesday, February 4, 2020

            2/5/20 - Day 21 - Ask the Expert Day


            Please find your seat, we will head to the auditorium shortly.


            • Learn from professionals.
            1. Ask the Expert Day - Speaking Panel (Auditorium)

            Monday, February 3, 2020

            2/4/20 - Day 20 - Taxes & Teens


            Analyze this graph, using the questions at the bottom to guide your thinking (don't make a copy- we'll just discuss)

            • Be ready to discuss your findings

            • Explain why so few teenagers file taxes
            • Identify common misconceptions about taxes and state the correct facts
            • Identify what types of income are taxed
            • Analyze a number of scenarios to determine who can be claimed as a dependent and if they need to file a tax return

            1. Tax Facts
            2. Filing Considerations

            Sunday, February 2, 2020

            2/3/20 - Day 19 - Intro to Taxes

            1. Go to EdPuzzle using THIS link, you will need this for the next few unites. 
            2. What do you think were the top 3 expenses the government paid for with our tax dollars in 2018?  Be ready to discuss!

            • Explain where income taxes are collected from and how they provide revenue for public expenses
            • Read a pay stub and describe the different deductions

            1. Tax Dollars- where do they go?
            2. If Paychecks Could Talk
              • What does FICA consist of?
              • What are some examples of government discretionary spending?
              • What are some examples of benefits we receive as a result of government spending?
            3. How to Read a Paystub