Tuesday, January 28, 2020

1/29/20 - Day 16 - Right to Be Heard/Redress


Feedback from Complaint Emails:
    • "I" is always capitalized.  Many other things require capitalization too.
    • Know the difference between their, they're, and there
    • What did you already attempt to get your problem solved?
    • Many of your emails were WAY too long. At the very least, break up your email into multiple paragraphs.
    • Paragraphs do NOT get indented in emails. Skip a line between paragraphs.
    • The body of the email should be BELOW the greeting with a line skipped between.
    • I got WAY too many emails without a subject line- this shows a lack of attention to detail and not enough professionalism.  While we're at it, the subject lines need to be more descriptive.
    • If you have an auto-signature, you do NOT need to sign your name at the bottom- that just leads to your name being there twice.
    • Address a specific person if possible, if not, use "To Whom It May Concern" or "Culver's Management"- do not just say "Dear Culver's"; the company is not a person. You could also just say "Hello".
    • Don't tell them how to run their business.
    • Don't put employee names in parentheses.

    • Identify real-world examples of violations of consumer rights

    1. Wrap Up Discussion: The Devil We Know
    2. Complaint Email Revisions
    3. Discussion Board: Online Reviews
      • Post
      • Respond to at least 3 classmates

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