Thursday, January 30, 2020

1/31/20 - Day 18 - Smart Consumer Qui


I am not here today. Please follow the agenda below.


  • Demonstrate knowledge of the Smart Consumer unit. 
  1. Review your study guide, ensure it is in your Consumer Ed folder. 
  2. Smart Consumer Quiz
  3. Missing/Late Work

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

1/30/20 - Day 17 - Smart Consumer Review


Ensure you have your items from yesterday completed.

  • Review the Smart Consumer Unit.
  1. Complaint Email Follow Up:
    • Overall good tone
    • Limit threatening language ("or I'll sue you")
  2. Smart Consumer Quiz TOMORROW - Review Guide

Tuesday, January 28, 2020

1/29/20 - Day 16 - Right to Be Heard/Redress


Feedback from Complaint Emails:
    • "I" is always capitalized.  Many other things require capitalization too.
    • Know the difference between their, they're, and there
    • What did you already attempt to get your problem solved?
    • Many of your emails were WAY too long. At the very least, break up your email into multiple paragraphs.
    • Paragraphs do NOT get indented in emails. Skip a line between paragraphs.
    • The body of the email should be BELOW the greeting with a line skipped between.
    • I got WAY too many emails without a subject line- this shows a lack of attention to detail and not enough professionalism.  While we're at it, the subject lines need to be more descriptive.
    • If you have an auto-signature, you do NOT need to sign your name at the bottom- that just leads to your name being there twice.
    • Address a specific person if possible, if not, use "To Whom It May Concern" or "Culver's Management"- do not just say "Dear Culver's"; the company is not a person. You could also just say "Hello".
    • Don't tell them how to run their business.
    • Don't put employee names in parentheses.

    • Identify real-world examples of violations of consumer rights

    1. Wrap Up Discussion: The Devil We Know
    2. Complaint Email Revisions
    3. Discussion Board: Online Reviews
      • Post
      • Respond to at least 3 classmates

    1/28/20 - Day 15 - The Devil We Know Wrap Up


    I am not here today. Please follow the agenda below. We have a quiz on Friday so work diligently so you are ready. 

    • Relate documentary to course materials. 
    • Exercise our Right to Redress.
    1. Complete the bottom portion of the Devil We Know Viewing Guide - ensure I can view this from your Consumer Ed folder. 
    2. Right to Redress - Complaint Email 
      • Writing a Complaint Email
        • Use the planning doc to prepare a WELL WRITTEN email. 
        • Send that email to me once you have it completed.

    Friday, January 24, 2020

    1/27/20 - Day 14 - The Devil We Know


    Skim this article. What are your thoughts?

    • Observe examples of Consumer Rights in action. 
    1. Drinking Water Contaminants - article discussion
    2. Documentary: The Devil We Know

    Thursday, January 23, 2020

    1/24/20 - Day 13 - The Devil We Know


    Skim this article. What are your thoughts?


    • Observe examples of Consumer Rights in action. 
    1. Drinking Water Contaminants - article discussion
    2. Documentary: The Devil We Know

    Wednesday, January 22, 2020

    1/23/20 - Day 12 - Consumer Safety


    Scroll through this list of 24 Stunningly Dumb Warning Labels

    • Explain the purpose of different safety warnings
    • Investigate ways to be informed about safety
    1. How Safe are Everyday Items?
      • Use the chart handed out in class
    2. Waivers
      1. Waterpark Death
      2. What are you agreeing to???

    Tuesday, January 21, 2020

    1/22/20 - Day 11 - Recap


    Welcome back! I missed you all. Be prepared to share something about your long weekend! I saw from your emails that many of you did some great things!


    • Catch up on assignments missing. 
    1. Recap of:
      • Consumer Protection Agencies 
      • Selling Practices - Scenarios
    2. Complete missing assignments. 

    Monday, January 20, 2020

    1/21/20 - Day 10 - Selling Practices


    I am not here today. Please follow the agenda below. This should all be complete BEFORE the end of the period.

    • Differentiate between deception and fraud
    • Examine different selling practices used by companies
    1. Take a look at the Too Good to be True Hall of Fame
    2. Watch the video at Amazon- Buyer Beware
    3. Complete the Wrong, Illegal, Both, or Neither Scenarios (ensure this is in your Consumer Ed folder)
    4. In an email to Mrs. Lakdawala answer the following questions:
      • Is it deceptive for companies to sell products that make exaggerated claims? Shoes that can tone your butt, etc.
      • Do you think it is ethical for Amazon to sell products that are of low quality or not up to standards of business practices in the United States?
      • What is the difference between an unethical business practice and an illegal business practice? Provide an example.
      • Tell me 1 think you did over the long weekend! :)

    Thursday, January 16, 2020

    1/17/20 - Day 9 - Consumer Protection Agencies


    I am not here today. Please follow the agenda below.


      • Examine the role of different consumer protection agencies

        • Consumer Protection Agencies (paper copy in class)
          • Matching Quick Check (last item in the folder called "Consumer Protection Agencies- Matching")
            • You CAN use the chart to help you complete this "quiz".  Chart needs to be turned in at the end of the period.

        1/16/20 - Day 8 - Decision Making Process


        Think about decision making, what process do you take when making choices?


        • Apply the rational decision making process when making choices
        • Recognize the effects of decisions

          • Recap of your Right to Information
          • Basic Economics

          Wednesday, January 15, 2020

          1/15/20 - Day 7 - Right to Be Informed


          How did you decide which electives to take while in high school?
            • Be ready to share your answer with the class!

          • Identify different sources of information for consumers
          • Assess the credibility/reliability of different sources
          1. Sources of Information Scenarios
            • Pros and Cons
          2. Exit Ticket
            • Identify a decision you have coming up - what is that decision and what sources of information will you use and why?

          Tuesday, January 14, 2020

          1/14/20 - Day 6 - Right to a Healthy Environment


          Take a look at the ACTUAL Consumer Rights

          • Recognize the need for consumer education
          • Investigate the effects of an unhealthy environment


          1. Rights/Responsibility Brainstorm
          2. The Right to a Healthy Environment

          Sunday, January 12, 2020

          1/13/20 - Day 5 - Consumer Rights


          Answer these questions:
          1. When you hear the term Bill Of Rights, what comes to mind? 
          2. What did you eat for breakfast? 
          3. What do you plan to eat for dinner? 
          4. What is your favorite food to eat?
          5. Have you ever got sick after eating food? 
          6. How would you feel if you found a dead mouse in your food (see image)
          7. What would you do? 
          • Examine the relationship between rights and responsibilities. 
          1. Finish up & submit your Reality Check
          2. The Jungle: Introduction to Consumerism
          3. Discussion Questions
          4. Brainstorm: Rights vs Responsibilities

          Friday, January 10, 2020

          1/10/20 - Day 4 - Lifestyle Reality Check


          Overspending to "Keep Up"

          • Investigate outcomes of possible life choices
            1. Career & Lifestyle Reality Check
              • Submit in Schoology once complete

            Wednesday, January 8, 2020

            1/9/20 - Day 3 - Reality Check


            Think about it...what kind of lifestyle do you want to have when you are 25? 55? 75?
            • Brainstorm the type of lifestyle you want to have in the future
            • Determine if career choices can meet lifestyle needs

            1/8/20 - Day 2 - Get to Know You!


            Grab a seat, (re)introduce yourself to your neighbors.
            • Learn about yourself
            • Learn about your classmates
            1. Get to...
            2. Consumer Choices Would You Rather?
            3. Syllabus

            Sunday, January 5, 2020

            1/7/20 - Day 1 - Welcome to Consumer Ed!


            Please take a seat wherever you would like. Introduce yourself to those around you!

            Class Objectives:
            • Learn about each other
            • Share about yourself
            1. Pic Share - Mrs. Lakdawala & You!
            2. Log In To Schoology - Find this Bellwork & Agenda
            3. Complete the Get to Know You form
            4. Get to Know Your Neighbor